Sunday, February 28, 2016


No scripture tonight, just an insight. My homework is due Saturdays by midnight. I usually do it after the boys are in bed. But today, I turned it in during Little K's nap. I'm grafteful I did, cuz tonight was crazy. Little K had to get 4 stitches above his right eye after jumping on a couch. I wouldn't have turned it in by midnight, if I'd waited. I was able to focus on my boys tonight, instead of homework.
*I'm working on following the promptings I get. Sometimes, I'm not in the right mood to listen, I'm working on always being receptive to the Spirit, but it's hard.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Hearing promptings is often hard for me too. Thank you so much for the comment so I could find this blog. I love it. :)
