Faith: Malachi 3:8-12
*Tithing is the key that unlocks the door to our mansions above, the door to untold blessings. Don't forget to turn the key.
I've been reading my scriptures and an inspirational book each night and sending out a thought about it to my family and friends. I decided to post them all to a blog so I don't lose them.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Virtue: Proverbs 31:10-31
*Hands. Your hands do amazing things. Create, build, make, serve, hold, care, and bless. Your hands are His hands.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Today in Institute we discussed the Fall and the Atonement. We have the choice to act or be acted upon. This hit me hard today cuz lately I've been feeling angry. I hear myself say "You make me so angry" to the boys. I need to tell them that there is NOTHING they could to do to make me mad, but some choices make me feel mad and I have a hard time expressing those feelings correctly. We've all been sick, emotional and grumpy. I can choose to act!
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Good Works: Matt 5:13-16
*People are going to see you glow, might as well use your Gifts to really shine and walk with the Light of Christ. Shine on!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Individual Worth: Psalm 8:4-6
*We must turn everything over to Him, and we must visit with Him often.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Divine Nature: Proverbs 31:10-31
*31! By our works we are known. Does our works (our driving) show whose we are? Does our works tell the story of Christ in our lives?
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Faith: Isaiah 53:3-12
*I never bear my trials and struggles alone. He suffered so that we might never ever be alone, and so we can walk with Him again.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Teachings of Presidents : Harold B Lee. Ch 4:
Make today the beginning of a change of your lives...The most important of all the commandments of God is that one that you are having the most difficulty keeping today...Put that aright and then you start on the next one that is most difficult for you to keep. That's the way to sanctify yourself by keeping the commandments of God.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Day 21: Moroni 10:3-5
*Remember how merciful He has been to you. How has He shown His love to you? Count your blessings, start each day in gratitude. I needed this lesson today. I need to look and be grateful. I am so blessed, and I need to be better at seeing my blessings. I know that my Redeemer lives.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Day 20: Moroni 7:32-48
*Hope, Faith, Charity. We cannot have one without the other, and it all comes down to LOVE. Love for Christ, love for others, love for self. If we love Him, we'll find ourselves loving others. And in loving others, we discover a love for ourselves and who we are as Children of God.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Day 19: Moroni 7:1-19
*How can we bring the Light of Christ into our lives? Seek after every good thing. Look for the good. Lay hold upon every good thing. If it is good, it is of God. And truly, there is so much good to behold. Can you see it?
Monday, May 16, 2016
Day 18: 3 Ne 27:13-29
*Ask & ye shall receive. Are we taking this invitation seriously? Are we accepting of this power whenever offered? Are we seeking His priesthood blessings? His power surrounds us & He willingly offers to help in time of need. Allow Him to guide you. Seek the priesthood blessings.
Do not deny Him the opportunity to bless, heal, guide, strengthen, and love you through the power of priesthood blessings. He desperately desires you call upon those powers so that He might touch your heart and soul, so that He might aid, assist, and comfort you. Seek Him. Ask for the laying on of hands. As a Child of God, you can freely ask for a blessing. He will not deny you this gift. Seek Him. Aak and ye shall receive. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Day 17: 3 Ne 27:1-12
*His church bears His name because it is His gospel. We are His followers and we have taken His name upon us. Stand tall and honor the names you bear: His name, your given name, and your family name.
Missed a day. D&C 89:20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
*This has been in my head. Follow His commandments and He will bless you. Choose the right and He will strengthen you. Right now all I want is to walk and not faint. I know I need to prioritize the tasks and chores.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Day 16: Ether 3:1-16
*Christ touches the stones and creates life within them, so they glow with life. I know that He has touched the Book of Mormon, the words within are the words of eternal life, the Living Waters, the Bread of Life, His words. When we study this book, His words reach into our soul.
Day 15: 2 Ne 27:1-10
*As a hungry man dreams that he eats but when he wakes, his soul is empty. We must find the right things to nourish our soul. Just filling the day with chores and errands isn't going to cut it, we must choose the better part. Choose the actions that nourish your soul.
**I have felt very distracted lately. And things have spun out of control. I've lost a handle on quite a few things, some important, others not important at all. It made me reflect on what I'm choosing to spend my time on and fill my day with. Now, it doesn't help that I have had zero energy lately, but still, there is plenty of good, wholesome, nourishing activities I can fill my day with. I'm grateful for the loss of control (this time!) so that I can refocus, and realign my priorities. Regaining that perspective is what I needed. I've been needing to let go of a few trivial tasks and challenges that, in the end, have very little consequence on my life, and the lives of my family. I'm glad He shook me around a bit to wake me up, I know my Heavenly Father is aware of me, and know what I need.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Day 14: 3 Ne 18:1-21
*Pray to bless your families. Pray for your future family. I'm trying not to just repeat my prayers but to think about my family's needs.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Day 13: 2 Ne 2:17-30
*Men are that they might have joy. I absolutely love this. We have the choice to act for ourselves, to choose joy over misery. When we choose joy, the adversary pulls out everything to make us feel miserable. I've felt him push against my joy, to the point of exhaustion. Fight for your joy.
Yesterday was a great day, we were all happy even tho we were all feeling the loss of a dear mother. Today I was down and out, just plain exhausted and for no other reason than the fact that I was happy yesterday. I didn't have to work at being happy, it wasn't tiring. I hardly chased the boys at all. But I get the impression, a whisper, that the work I'm doing to make my family happier, and to bring His Spirit into our home more, is exactly the right thing I need to be doing, and that it is working! I felt emotionally and spiritually attacked today, I felt like there was a force pushing me down. Not sadness or depression, but exhaustion. Around 2 I had to check out for a bit, I seriously could not even focus my eyes to put a movie on for the boys. I know the adversary does not want me to succeed in bringing the Spirit into our home, he doesn't want me teaching my boys to pray, or read the scriptures, and I know he is pushing me down and attacking from all sides. Well, I am fighting for my joy.
Day 12: 2 Ne 2:1-16
*Opposition in all things. We are given the choice to choose which way to go in this maze of life. We've all stumbled, and yet we all choose better choices, we choose happiness. Make choices that leave you a feeling of pride and joy when you look back on them. Choose the better part.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Day 11: 2 Ne 4:16-35
*Nephi's prayer. At the end, he asks for relief from fiery darts. We can ask for the way to be made clear, for an escape. He will bless us beyond what we have room to receive it. He desires to bless His children. Never hesitate to ask of Him. He lives to bless you.
**The past few nights, I've gone to bed thinking of how different my day might have been if I had done my reading in the morning. I would like to start a habit of reading morning and night. It wouldn't hurt to wake up a little bit earlier...
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Day 10: Alma 22:1-18
*Since man had fallen he could not merit anything of himself. I've read that men are the dust of the earth. Today it hit me: ONLY by the Hands and Power of God is dust created into a being. Only thru Him are we able to live and live again. Dust can do nothing on it own. Dust cannot turn itself into something else, it needs to be touched, handled and created into something else by the power of another being. Only He can turn us into what He needs us to be, what we want to become : Gods.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Day 9: Alma 7:9-24
*Christ took upon Him the pains & infirmities of His people so He may know how to succor and comfort them. Maybe that's another reason for our own struggles: So that we may know how to succor & comfort our brothers and sisters. Share your story, sing your heart song. Someone needs it.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Day 8: Enos 1:1-12
*If your soul hungers for answers, seek Him, turn to Him, pray unceasingly. He will strengthen you and bless you and give you answers.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Day 7: 2 Ne 31
*He is the way, the truth and the light. Follow the light. Nephi says My Beloved Brethren 7 times. He wants to share the Celestial Glory with us, he wants us there. He speaks plainly so all can understand and follow Christ. Remember to speak plainly to kids, they haven't been here long.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Day 6: Alma 32:28-43
*We must continue to nourish that seed. We don't just stop eating one day because we've finally gotten as big as we wanted. We must continue to eat, and nourish our bodies. Keep feeding your faith, keep studying His word. There is always something that He is trying to tell you.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Day 5: Alma 32:17-27
*Exercise a particle of faith, just have the desire to believe. So much in this world is beyond our control, but that's the true test, right? To have faith and believe in His words even when the storm is raging. Have faith that the strong wind is pushing you where He needs you to go.