Thursday, May 12, 2016


Day 15: 2 Ne 27:1-10
*As a hungry man dreams that he eats but when he wakes, his soul is empty. We must find the right things to nourish our soul. Just filling the day with chores and errands isn't going to cut it, we must choose the better part. Choose the actions that nourish your soul.

**I have felt very distracted lately. And things have spun out of control. I've lost a handle on quite a few things, some important, others not important at all. It made me reflect on what I'm choosing to spend my time on and fill my day with. Now, it doesn't help that I have had zero energy lately, but still, there is plenty of good, wholesome, nourishing activities I can fill my day with. I'm grateful for the loss of control (this time!) so that I can refocus, and realign my priorities. Regaining that perspective is what I needed. I've been needing to let go of a few trivial tasks and challenges that, in the end, have very little consequence on my life, and the lives of my family. I'm glad He shook me around a bit to wake me up, I know my Heavenly Father is aware of me, and know what I need.

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