Mosiah 2: 22 And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you. 24 And secondly, he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast? All He asks of us, is that we keep His commandments, and we will be IMMEDIATELY blessed. It is key to remember that patience, peace, comfort, strength, and endurance are also blessings from Him. 2015/04/09 12:12:22AM
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