Uchtdorf. You matter to Him. 10/11
My dear brothers and sisters, it may be true that man is nothing in comparison to the greatness of the universe. At times we may even feel insignificant, invisible, alone, or forgotten. But always remember-you matter to Him! If you ever doubt that, consider these four divine principles:
1: God loves the humble and meek, for they are greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
2- the Lord entrusts the fulness of His gospel to be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world.
3: no matter where you live, no matter how humble your circumstances, how meager your employment, how limited your abilities, how ordinary your appearance, or how little your calling in the Church may appear to you, you are not invisible to your Heavenly Father. He loves you.
4: please understand that what you see and experience now is not what forever will be. You will not feel loneliness, sorrow, pain, or discouragement forever.
*I love you.