Sunday, May 31, 2015


1 Ne 17:35 Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one; he that is righteous is favored of God...

We are keenly aware of our daily need for food and water to sustain our physical bodies. But are we as concerned with sustenance for our spirits?

The "bread" and "water" needed to sustain our spirits is the word of God. It is iron rod of saving principles and ordinances.

Just as He gave manna to the children of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness, He promises us spiritual nourishment that will sustain us in whatever "wilderness" we are called to traverse.

Seek Him. Turn to Him.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Moroni 10:8 And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.
18 And I would exhort you, my beloved brethren, that ye remember that every good gift cometh of Christ.

When we look at the more obvious gifts-the gift of music, of speaking, of miracles, of tongues, of wisdom and knowledge, of faith, of healing- we wonder whether our gifts are significant or praiseworthy.

ALL gifts are praiseworthy and significant because of who they come from!

To be a good listener, to be patient in suffering, to find joy in service, to be discerning, to be strong in testimony, to make our homes a haven where others feel safe and welcome, to enjoy the beauty of the earth, to enjoy the gifts of others, to contribute to the development of other's gifts, to know how to touch and comfort, teach, and bless.

Friday, May 29, 2015


Be the best of whatever you are. L. Tom Perry.

Here are 3 areas he challenges us to be the best.
1) As a Child of God, be the best of whatever you are. You are a divine daughter/son of the Living God! Remember this!
2) As a servant in His kingdom, be the best of whatever you are. This is the most exciting era the Church has ever know. Don't deprive yourself of a most rewarding opportunity of being prepared and willing to serve the Master.
3) As a citizen, be the best of whatever you are. Isn't this the time for those who have been given the knowledge of the truth, the light of the gospel, to stop testing the line between right and wrong and enthusiastically embark of that which the Lord has asked us to do?
I challenge you with all of the great power and potential that is within you to be the best of whatever you are.

-I LOVED this talk! Wow!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Alma 32:23 And now, he imparteth his word by angels unto men, yea, not only men but women also. Now this is not all; little children do have words given unto them many times, which confound the wise and the learned.

These words are a personal invitation to each of us, and one that carries with it an obligation to act on what we hear.

Hear Him!


Strengthening each other. Pres. Hinckley

Remember, we are not alone. We belong to a great body of friends, thousands upon thousands who are striving to follow the teachings of the Lord.

It is important to know, when you feel down, that many others do also. And its important to know that when one of us is down, it becomes the obligation of his friends to give him a lift. I hope that each of us will cultivate a sensitivity toward the feelings of others, and when encouragement is needed, make an effort to extend it. Be a friend, and you will have a friend.

-Do not be afraid to talk and share your experiences and thoughts with those around you. Often times, talking is one of the best ways to ease pain and unearth our feelings.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Mosiah 2:17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

As parents and family members, we serve our families daily and in countless ways.

The impact of our service may not be immediate, but in days and years to come, those we've served will feel touched and blessed by what we have done, and they in turn will have the pattern in place for their own selfless acts of service.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Alma 40:23 The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame.
25 And then shall the righteous shine forth in the kingdom of God.

It is the Lord's desire to have us share in His exaltation. He glories in being our Savior. He wants us to succeed. He wants us to be ever mindful of His love, of His outstretched and comforting arms, of His awareness of our needs.

He loves us and is aware of our heartache.

Today my mother in law passed away. It is a shock to us all and we are still processing the flood of emotions that came with the news.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


1 Ne. 15:8 And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord?

Thru prayer we receive comfort in times of sorrow and loss, answers to life's puzzling and often painful dilemmas, courage to face challenges that would be otherwise overwhelming and insurmountable, and the priceless gift of a testimony of our Savior.

Seek Him, ask Him- and He will answer.

Friday, May 22, 2015


1 Ne. 3:7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

No hesitation. No doubt, no fear. This is an affirmation of faith and a positive plan of action. I know the Lord reaches our reaching, He is always out stretched to us, we just need to turn to Him. For ever step we willingly take towards the Savior, He gladly meets us more than halfway. He is there, always.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Nelson. The Sabbath is a delight. Sun PM.

Take a break, enjoy your family. Teach them the gospel and we in turn will learn more-

The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath? I believe He wanted us to understand that the Sabbath was His gift to us, granting real respite from the rigors of daily life and an opportunity for spiritual and physical renewal.

Faith in God engenders a love for the Sabbath; faith in the Sabbath engenders a love for God. A sacred Sabbath truly is a delight.

I learned from the scriptures that my conduct and my attitude on the Sabbath constituted a sign between me and my Heavenly Father.

Ask : What sign do I want to give to God?


Reading Pres. Monson's talk , Blessings of the Temple. He tells a story of a young man searching for answers and another man is prompted to speak with him. They talk and the first man is comforted by the seconds words and his experiences.

To me, this means 1) live your life in such a way that you will be in tune with the Spirit to hear the promptings. 2) always listen to promptings. 3) your challenges and experiences are to strengthen you and bring peace and comfort to others who are going thru it too. Sometimes, just knowing you're not alone is enough to get you thru something really hard. 4) your prayers are heard and will be answered, but always answered in the Lord's time and the Lord's way. He loves us, and NEVER leaves us alone to struggle.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Wilford Anderson. The music of the gospel. Sat PM.

I love this talk. It hit me hard, because for some reason I just haven't been feeling the joy in my life. There are moments, but the sad, angry, unhappy moments seem to outnumber the happy ones. I think right now it's cuz my unhappy times are fueled by unhappy boys. It seems worse than it is and makes it harder. I have to do the steps first, then teach my family-

We learn the dance steps with our minds, but we hear the music with our hearts. The dance steps of the gospel are the things we do; the music of the gospel is the joyful spiritual feeling that comes from the Holy Ghost.

The dance steps require discipline, but the joy of the dance will be experienced only when we come to hear the music.

"No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood"-or cuz you're the dad, the mom, the biggest, or the loudest-"only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, by love unfeigned; and by kindness" D&C 121:41-42

Monday, May 18, 2015


Hales. Preserving agency, Protecting religious freedom. Sun PM.

We must not forget that moral agency is an essential part of God’s plan for ALL His children.
-Sometimes we forget that everyone here CHOSE to be here, and that everyone has a choice to make each day. And that choice can change at any time.-

How we live our religion is far more important than what we may say about our religion.


Uchtdorf. Gift of Grace. Sun AM.

There was so much in this talk, please find time to read this. It was really amazing!-

The grace of God-the divine assistance and endowment of strength by which we grow from the flawed and limited beings we are now into exalted beings of truth and light, until we are glorified in truth and know all things.

-This sentence is so powerful. And I looked up the meaning of Endowment: a quality possessed, inherited or given by someone. His Grace is what we need to live with Him again. And His Grace is also what gives us the strength and protection to follow His commandments.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Cook. The Lord is my light. Sat PM.

*Our protections in this life and for eternity will be in individual and family righteousness, Church ordinances, and following the Savior. This is our refuge from the storm. For those who feel they are alone, you can stand resolutely in righteousness knowing that the Atonement will protect and bless you beyond your ability to fully understand.*

That last part: stand in righteousness knowing you will be protected and blessed BEYOND your ability to fully understand. We can't even imagine, comprehend or think of how will will be protected and blessed because of our righteousness! Oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Perry. Why marriage & family matter. Sat PM.

This talk was amazing. I love how this gospel is completely centered on marriage and the family.-

We also believe that strong traditional families are not only the basic units of a stable society, a stable economy, and a stable culture of values-but that they are also the basic units of eternity and of the kingdom and government of God.

It has never been more of a challenge to find a practical balance between employment, families, and personal needs than it is in our day.

Family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness.

*Men (and women) are that they might have JOY!*

Friday, May 15, 2015


Holland. Where justice, love and mercy meet. Sun AM.

So much amazing. Elder Holland always speaks with so much conviction, so much power. I love this man and his absolute testimony.-

With prophets ancient and modern, I testify that "all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things." Thus, from the moment those first parents stepped out of the Garden of Eden, the God and Father of us all, anticipating Adam and Eve's decision, dispatched the very angels of heaven to declare to them-and down through time to us-that this entire sequence was designed for our eternal happiness.

Today we celebrate the gift of victory over every fall we have ever experienced, every sorrow we have ever known, every discouragement we have ever had, every fear we have ever faced-to say nothing of our resurrection from death and forgiveness for our sins.

Celebrate this victory! Men (and women) are that they might have JOY!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Monson. Priesthood-a sacred gift.

I don't hold the priesthood, but I am a witness to it. I have had many blessings and I am grateful for ALL the men in my life, they have all taught me something and opened my eyes to the gospel.

To me, this quote, can work for any ordained of a calling. Priesthood or relief society. Being a mom is my hardest calling.-

[We pray that we are] given a spiritual awareness of the sacredness of his ordained calling, as well as opportunities to magnify that calling.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Renlund. Latter-day Saints keep on trying. Sat PM.

I loved this. It reminded me of the story of Alma the Younger, that has always been one of my fave BOM stories.-

I'm no saint-that is, unless you think a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying.

We may be perfected by repeatedly and iteratively relying wholly upon the doctrine of Christ: exercising faith in Him, repenting, partaking of the sacrament to renew the covenants and blessings of baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost as a constant companion to a greater degree.

God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were. He cares that we keep on trying. (wow)

Twas I; but 'tis not I: I do not shame to tell you what I was, since my conversion so sweetly tastes, being the thing I am. (More wow)


Sitati. Be fruitful, multiply, & subdue the earth. Sun PM.

So much goodness-

My prayer is that we might all more fully recognize & fulfill our sacred responsibility-our Father's charge-to develop our divine nature so that we may navigate our journey more successfully & obtain our divine destiny.

Be fruitful: be meek and lowly in heart. We can then more fully come unto Christ as we yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit and keep all the covenants we have made.

Multiply: The promise to all who are sealed in the covenant of eternal marriage and who are fruitful through keeping their covenants is that the adversary will never have power to undermine the foundation of their eternal companionship.

Subdue the earth: Developing the ability to subdue the things of the earth begins with humility to recognize our human weakness and the power available to us through Christ and His Atonement.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Nielson. Waiting for the Prodigal. Sun AM.

Listening to this, it strengthened my desire to have a strong testimony, and to have a strong connection to my Savior. It's something I will continue to work on. This stuck out to me-

All of us fall short of the glory of the Father. All of us need the Savior's Atonement to heal us. All of us are lost and need to be found. This revelation that day helped me know that we all need the Savior's love and His Atonement. We all are actually on the same path back home.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Uchtdorf. Sustaining of Church officers. Sat PM.

I'm doing the 40 days & 40 nights General Conference challenge, and this is today's talk. It's not really a talk but it was a new experience for a lot of us and it was life changing moment.

This conference, instead of a unanimous sustaining of the Prophet and Apostles, there were members there who opposed them. It's not a vote, the Apostles are called of God, not man. But it hurts my heart to know there were members there who opposed the Prophet of God.

I was there when members of our faith opposed His chosen mouth-piece, it was only a handful among the thousands in the Conference Center. And when we, as a congregation, sang so fervently, with so much flourish, with so much love & adoration, "We thank thee oh God for a Prophet" oh it was glorious!

It made me look at how I sustain the Prophet of God daily, how I stand up for him & with him. I know now how much I love him, the Apostles and this gospel, I never knew how I loved them until then.


Caussé. Is it still wonderful to you? Sun AM.

This one made me take a step back and think about what I've been taking for granted because it's always there. I'm grateful for this talk and the view change.-

Wonders also occur in our individual lives. They include our own personal conversion, the answers we receive to our prayers, and the tender blessings God showers upon us daily.

To marvel at the wonders of the gospel is a sign of faith. It is to recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives and in everything around us. Our amazement also produces spiritual strength.

First, never tire of discovering or rediscovering the truths of the gospel.
Second, anchor your faith in the plain and simple truths of the gospel.
Finally, I invite you to seek and cherish the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

Most wonders of the gospel cannot be perceived by our natural senses, we need the Holy Spirit.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Clayton. Choose to Believe. Sun AM.

Wow, this one was amazing. Another one to read! Please do so!-

Recognizing His spiritual light begins with our willingness to believe. God requires that initially we at least desire to believe.

If we are willing to believe, if we desire to believe, if we choose to believe, then the His  teachings & example will show us the pathway forward.

Belief is something we choose-we hope for it, we work for it, and we sacrifice for it.

Align your actions with your belief. In those moments when the light of your faith has dimmed, let your hope for the His love & grace, found in His gospel and His Church, overcome your doubt.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Eyring. Priesthood and personal prayer. Priesthood.

This one was amazing, I filled my 1st page of notes half way thru! Please read it again!-

All of us must speak and act in the name of God in moments when our unaided judgment will not be enough without inspiration. (I pray daily for His guidance in what I say & do as I raise my wild boys, I need the Holy Spirit & His inspiration)

The power to speak & act in God's name requires revelation & that to have it when we need it requires praying and working in faith for the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

We do not have to cry unto him with many words.What we do need to do is to go before him often, to witness unto him that we remember Him. What do you pray for? You pray that God may recognize you, that he may hear your prayers, and that he may bless you with his Spirit.

With a prayer of faith, God can grant us power in the priesthood for whatever circumstance we may be in. It simply requires that we ask in humility.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Ringwood. Truly good and without guile. Sat PM.

Each time we renew the covenant of baptism by partaking of the sacrament, we are one step closer to that ultimate goal. As we endure in that covenant, we access the strength to mourn with those who mourn and to comfort those who need comfort. In that covenant, we find the grace that enables us to serve God and keep His commandments, including loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbors as ourselves. In that covenant, God and Christ succor us so we can succor those who stand in need of our succor.

They are disciples of Christ, going about doing good continually, and like Shiblon, they are trying to please their Father in Heaven.
The service that counts most is usually recognized by God alone.

-We have to continue to choose the right, even when no one is watching us.

Monday, May 4, 2015


Pearson. Stay by the Tree. Sun PM.

I love this talk and pretty much highlighted the whole thing and wrote it all down. Please read this awesome talk, it is so powerful. Here is my favorite quote.-

Enduring to the end means constantly coming unto Christ and being perfected in Him.

-To me, that means constantly searching for Him, constantly finding Him. :)


Teixeira. Seeking the Lord. Sun AM.

This one was amazing. My favorite is starred.-

The more we understand the extraordinary role of Christ in our lives, the more conscious we become of our purpose here in mortality, which is to have joy. *That joy, however, does not preclude us from experiencing trials and difficulties, even some so great and complex that they may lead us to think that happiness is not possible in such circumstances.*

As we deepen our understanding of the Savior, we will have an increased desire to live joyfully and a conviction that joy is possible. Consequently, we will have a greater ability to go about each day with more enthusiasm for life and for keeping the commandments of God, even in challenging circumstances.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Uchtdorf. On being Genuine. Priesthood.

I love this man. His words have such a powerful way of strengthening me.-

What the Savior would want to know is the condition of our heart. He would want to know how we love and minister to those in our care, how we show our love to our spouse and family, and how we lighten their daily load. And the Savior would want to know how you and I grow closer to Him and to our Heavenly Father.

We come to church not to hide our problems but to heal them.

The God of Creation, who breathed life into the universe, surely has the power to breathe life into you.

The good news is that you can build on whatever strength you have. You can mature spiritually and draw closer to the Savior by applying gospel principles day by day.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


My book for tonight : However Long and Hard the Road by Jeffrey R Holland. Ch. 2. I love his quotes!-

In times of extreme difficulty, the only strength upon which we can fully rely is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Indeed, any tribulation will be considered well worth it if it humbles us, increases our faith, and brings us closer to him who bought us with his own pain and blood.

In the depths of despair we may find ourselves coming to know him in a completely new way, finding that he goes before us on our right hand and on our left, that his spirit is in our hearts, and that his angels are round about us to bear us up.

The great challenge of our lives is usually not meditation on what we once were or wishing on what we may yet be come, but rather living in the present moment as God would have us live.

The past is to be learned from, not lived in, and the future is to be planned for, not paralyzed by.