Tuesday, June 28, 2016


The Lord has commanded you to take good care of your body. To do this, observe the Word of Wisdom, found in Doctrine and Covenants 89. Eat nutritious food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. When you do all these things, you... gain the blessings of a healthy body, an alert mind, and the guidance of the Holy Ghost...- L. Tom Perry
*I've had a few dreams that have rattled me lately. My biggest fear is for my heart to give out and I leave my family before I'm ready, not that I'll ever be ready. I've felt a desperate need to get healthy and in shape. I'm pushing myself to be healthy. I need to be here for a long time. I need to see my boys grow up. My heart transplant is coming, I just want to put it off for as long as I'm physically able to. ❤💓💝💗

Monday, June 27, 2016


1. I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died. 
2. I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine,
That he should extend his great love unto such as I,
Sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify. 
[Chorus] Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me Enough to die for me! Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!
*I absolutely love this song. It was on the program for Ward Conference today. It's been stuck in my head all day. It has been an amazing day.

Friday, June 24, 2016


Mosiah 5:2 And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.
*MIGHTY! Not tiny, not minor, but a mighty change! We must become pickles, we must change so much that we become 'new creatures'! Prepare, cleanse, immerse, saturate, and seal. In the energy of my soul!

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Doc & Cov 101:78 That every man may act in doctrine and principle pertaining to futurity, according to the moral agency which I have given unto him, that every man may be accountable for his own sins in the day of judgment.
*ACT IN DOCTRINE! We might ordinarily think of doctrine as something we study, something we learn, and something we strive to remember. However, the Lord indicates in this revelation that doctrine is something you and I should ACT IN.
📖Increase In Learning by David A Bednar

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Doc & Cov 88:118 And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.
*I love this. We are teaching one another, as we search the scriptures and share our findings with the world. Seek learning, by study AND faith. He will bless you if you ask in faith in EVERYTHING you learn and study. Yes, even math.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Doc & Cov 68:25 ...teach them...to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands...
*We must do more than teach them, we must teach our children TO UNDERSTAND. Parents have important and vital roles to play as they
-create an appropriate spiritual environment and atmosphere the home
-invite the Spirit
-facilitate and assist in spiritual learning of children.
📖 Increase In Learning by David A Bednar

Monday, June 20, 2016


Doc & Cov 42:22 Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.
*My husband designed my ring with many scripture references, including this one. Today is our 8 year anniversary. We've been thru so much (heart surgeries, layoffs, moving, death of family, high risk pregnancies, buying a house, babies, school, and surviving in-laws) and I am so glad my best friend is there holding my hand thru it all. I love him more today than I did yesterday,  and I'll love him more tomorrow. Eternity looks pretty dang good.

Saturday, June 18, 2016


2 Kings 6:15-17
*I have always loved these verses. 16 is my favorite: "And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." As I put my Little back to bed half an hour ago, I realized he wakes in a panic, scared of something. I prayed for him to be comforted, and this scripture came to mind. Also, this quote from Elder Holland. I KNOW there is a huge gathering of Saints across the veil who watch over my boys, who aid us, and strengthen us, who whisper words of peace and comfort to us. My family has a huge cheering section over there. 💓

Friday, June 17, 2016


Mosiah 12:27 Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore, ye have not been wise.
*Thoughts and feelings put into our hearts by the Holy Ghost are a result of the spiritual gift of revelation. Understanding, then, is a revealed conclusion and a spiritual gift. -David A. Bednar
📖Increase In Learning by David A Bednar

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Doc & Cov 93:24 And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;
*Joseph Smith said, "Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is."
**I love that. For a while, I've thought about studying and researching more about heart transplants, in preparation for mine, but the FEAR of what I'll discover always holds me back.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Jeffrey R. Holland-April 2016
Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.
* I needed this today. I needed the reminder that I'm not alone, that my support system is strong. I needed to be reminded to be one my own side!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Childrens songbook 193:
Sing your way home at the close of the day. Sing your way home; drive the shadows away. Smile ev'ry mile, for wherever you roam It will brighten your road, it will lighten your load If you sing your way home.
*Little has always had a hard time going to sleep. Tonight I sang Twinkle Twinkle to him, until he fell asleep. Big was already snoring. It opened my eyes, I need to be softer with my boys. I'm grateful I'm able to see it.

Monday, June 13, 2016


1 Ne 8:23 And it came to pass that there arose a mist of darkness; yea, even an exceedingly great mist of darkness, insomuch that they who had commenced in the path did lose their way, that they wandered off and were lost.
*Discernment is a light of protection and direction in a world that grows increasingly dark. If I want to obtain this gift, I must be quick to observe (look and obey) and pray for it daily.

📖Increase In Learning by David A. Bednar

Sunday, June 12, 2016


We took a road trip this weekend, and during the ride the little one  randomly said a prayer where he just starting listing off family members. And then my big one started singing "I am a Child of God" and the little one tried to sing along too. To hear those sweet little voices sing, this song especially, makes my heart melt, and reminds me of the power of His Atonement. Because of the Atonement, I am able to live with my eternal family, I am able to live with Him again.

Friday, June 10, 2016


Mormon 1:2 Ammaron said unto me: I perceive that thou art a sober child, and art quick to observe;
3 Therefore, I would that ye should remember the things that ye have observed concerning this people;
*Ammaron notices Mormon being quick to observe. Mormon remembered his words and obeyed.

📖Increase In Learning by David A Bednar


3 Ne 19:9 And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them.
*The words RECEIVE THE HOLY GHOST are an authoritative admonition to act and not simply be acted upon.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


2 Ne 32:5 For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.
*As we each press forward along the pathway of life, we receive direction from the Holy Ghost just as Lehi was directed thru the Liahona... We invite the Holy Ghost into our lives thru meaningful personal and family prayer, feasting upon the words of Christ, diligent and exacting obedience, faithfulness and honoring of covenants, and thru virtue, humility, and service.

📖Increase in Learning by David A Bednar

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


1 Ne 11-14
11:2 And the Spirit said unto me: Behold, what desirest thou?
3 And I said: I desire to behold the things which my father saw.
*The Spirit knew what Nephi desired, but enabled Nephi to act in the learning process and not merely be acted upon.
*Look!* I imagine a parent showing a child the world, then asking, "What do you see?" I need to be better at asking my boys what they see, rather than telling them what they see. I need to answer those curious questions.

📖Increase in Learning by David A. Bednar

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


2 Ne 28:30...I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom...
*The more we learn, the more we shall receive. He lives to bless us.

"Spiritual knowledge cannot be given by or borrowed from another person. Shortcuts to the desired destination do not exist."

Increase in Learning by David A. Bednar

Sunday, June 5, 2016


D&C 88:118 And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.
*I've noticed when I pray before studying for school, the Holy Ghost guides me. All learning leads to Him.


Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
*Study, learn, and prepare with the Spirit and you will be blessed with knowledge and a desire to learn more.

*Each of us can be blessed abundantly as we come to understand our individual responsibility to learn :
-as well as we should learn
-how we can learn
-ultimately what we are to become
by following the example of the greatest of all latter-day learners, even the Prophet of the Restoration, Joseph Smith.

Increase in Learning by David A. Bednar

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Doc&Cov 25:8 For he shall lay his hands upon thee, and thou shalt receive the Holy Ghost, and thy time shall be given to writing, and to learning much.
*Take the time to write and to learn. We are here to learn as much as possible, we are becoming Gods! Learn, write, study!

Increase in Learning by David A. Bednar

Friday, June 3, 2016


James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
*You and I are here to act and be doers of the word and not simply hearers who are only acted upon.

Increase in Learning by David A. Bednar

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Doc&Cov 19:23 Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.
*The Holy Ghost is the teacher who kindled within us an abiding love of and for learning.

Increase in Learning by David A. Bednar